Monday, March 17, 2008

Tomorrow is a New Day

What is true today is not true tomorrow. Tomorrow is a better day. It’s not a cliché folks. It is a fact. If today you are suffering from money troubles then tomorrow you have an opportunity to stop suffering. Tomorrow your world can change. It’s up to you.

Check out this quote from Tiger Woods. He is talking about you….
“I view my life in a way … I'll explain it to you, OK?” he told his small audience in Florida. “The greatest thing about tomorrow is, I will be better than I am today. And that's how I look at my life. I will be better as a golfer, I will be better as a person, I will be better as a father, I will be a better husband, I will be better as a friend. That's the beauty of tomorrow. There is no such thing as a setback. The lessons I learn today I will apply tomorrow, and I will be better.”
I’m here to help you make tomorrow a better day. There is no such thing as a permanent setback. That’s the beauty of tomorrow. Call me today so tomorrow will be better. Life is short and time is wasting. Better tomorrows are coming your way. But it’s up to you.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

St. Paul Tells Us...

Saint Paul tells us, “Bear one another’s burdens and you shall fulfill the law of Christ.” (Gal 6:2). That’s hard to do, however. People often are more concerned with their own burdens that they fail to see the burdens of others.

My dad once told me, “Son, a man is often more concerned with a boil on his neck than 10,000 people starving in another country.” Sad but true. Out of sight out of mind, in other words.

My mission in life is to see your financial burden and help you bear it. I made that choice 10 years ago when I went from representing the credit card industry to representing the people who carry the burden of credit card debt.

Virtue has to do with choices we make in life, and compassion enables us to choose to bear the burdens of others because it unites us with each other and gives us a higher purpose – it allows your story to become my story, your life to become my life. It allows us to become closer to each other and to God.

You see, we really are in this together. God made it that way.

If you have any doubt about this read the testimonials on my web site or watch the DVD. In each and every story, my life has affected my client’s life and my client’s life has in turn affected my life.

As you go forward in your life think of your burden as an opportunity to not only change your life but to be an example to others who share the same burden as you once carried. I’m here to help you bear your burden.

I’ll talk with you soon.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Welcome to 2008

As 2007 comes to an end, 2008 is coming fast. If you are willing to make some slight adjustments in your thinking and you are willing to follow a simple plan then 2008 can be the year you finally break through and take control of your life.

How can you do it? The same way I did. The same way thousands of others have done it too. I'll show you and I may even push and propel you when needed!

This year, for me, is important because it marks the ten year anniversary of when I lost everything and started over. This is an important year for me, and for you. Stay tuned to my blog and my web site. I predict you will be blown away but what is going to happen to your life.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy New Year!

Michael Mack